animals of oklahoma
One hundred tiny, distinct personalities, ninety-nine of whom went off to live in different homes. But the stinkpot turtle? He stayed with artist Nora Hall, whose Animals of Oklahoma oil painting series captures wildlife large and small—emphasis on the small.
john fullbright
Maybe it was a tacit rejection of mounting industry pressure, mixed with a little fear. Or maybe it was the adjustment to a massive upheaval of his way of life. Whether we bore witness or not, it’s been a critical period of change for Fullbright, now in his 30s.
danny bowien
I talked to Bowien about food memories, being from somewhere you aren’t from, people-pleasing from the liminal space between foreign and familiar and, as the book’s title asserts, why vegan food is for everyone.
service animals
In an effort to cut costs, Oklahoma City employees Monte and Sam transferred from Animal Control to supervisory landscaping roles where they oversee a crew of about sixty, all working dutifully to clear overgrown vegetation on approximately eighty acres of land along the Hefner Canal. This math may seem strange. A five-dozen-strong landscaping crew on eighty acres doesn’t sound like a money-saving move at all—until you add another number into the equation: Monte, Sam, and their crew are four-legged. These Hefner Canal employees are goats, and Monte and Sam are their watch donkeys.
art-omobile alley
The current issue of Oklahoma Today has—among many interesting and thoughtful pieces of writing that warrant you purchasing the issue—a story I worked on over several last months last year, discussing the arts-centric development of Automobile Alley in OKC with the lovely people at Factory Obscura, Oklahoma Contemporary, and elsewhere.
richard marx
The world, according to Richard Marx, “is not out there waiting for a new Richard Marx album.”
allison moorer
At 14 years old, songwriter and author Allison Moorer awoke to the sound of gunshots outside her Alabama home. In the pre-dawn dark, her father shot her mother and then himself, leaving Moorer and her then-17-year-old sister orphaned.
beau jennings & the tigers
On the band’s new record The Thunderbird, Beau Jennings and the Tigers chronicle stories about fisherman Jimmy Houston and Dairy Queen employees lamenting their fate.